karen bicchierai

professional Hair & makeup BY karen bicchierai

Karen Bicchierai is a Melbourne based Hair and Makeup Artist specialising in fashion, advertising, beauty and events. Her signature style is the “no makeup, makeup” look.

It’s more than clothes. It’s a powerful form of self-expression that inspires on multiple levels. From the runway to the streets fashion constantly evolves to challenge societal norms. From this spirit is born a sense of self-identity; the empowerment to make a statement without uttering a single word.

There’s a kind of magic that happens in the advertising process. When different creative minds and skill sets come together the fusion born of collaborative effort sparks in each of us the desire to push the limits of our own creativity. The result? An outcome that far outweighs the sum of the individual parts.

An undeniable natural beauty resides within each and every one of us, a beauty that transcends physical appearance, that shines from within. It’s the sparkle in our eyes when we laugh; the kindness that emanates from our hearts when we smile. When we no longer seek validation or approval from others we unlock that inner power and unleash our inner light, inspiring the lives of all those around us.

To be social is to be human. Getting together reminds us of this; of our shared experiences, our common values, and our aspirations for ourselves and for one another. It’s that feeling of belonging; the opportunity to create lasting bonds; the letting go of differences in the celebration of life, love and the joy of human connection.